Customer Testimonials

“We want to congratulate your entire division of Call Centre and Ticketing Office for their unrivaled efforts and hardworking on offering the professional and courteous services to the retail travel agents. Your staff has effectively reached out to our requirements and enquiries, their congenial attitude and patience in solving the problems for us will definitely earn prestigious reputation for your Good Company.
Again, we would like to say Thank You for all the hard work offered by your enthusiastic and dedicated team.”

Tony Tsang

Travelsafe Vacation ON

“I wanted to let you know that the tour I booked from Royal Scenic in China was wonderful. They did great job and they were extremely courteous, helpful and accommodating. They went out of their way to ensure I saw the most in my short time. I had a great time in Beijing and it was definitely due to this tour. Thank you again and I will definitely be recommending them to any of my friends or colleagues who will be looking to do the same thing.”


client of Robert Q Travel

“All the Royal Scenic staff is very supportive and professional. They have immense knowledge of fare rules and ticketing. Their customer service is really prompt. I am really satisfied with my association with Royal Scenic and I would like to extend my sincere gratitude and best wishes to all at Royal Scenic.”

Mona Satvedi

Jakin Travel House

“I just wanted to let you know how helpful your staff were when my client had flights cancelled due to Hurricane Sandy. They all worked so hard & get a waiver from Lufthansa to fully refund his original ticket. My client at last could board his flight to London in time.

Their help was much appreciated & they went the extra mile to help out in the situation. We will continue booking with Royal Scenic knowing we can count on the staff there.”

Marilyn Kasten

Old Port Travel ON

“I just wanted to compliment your staff. She is always so pleasant to work with and very helpful. I just wanted you to know that she is a great asset to your team and I enjoy working with her.” 

Shelley Wineberg

UNIGLOBE Custom Travel

“The staff at Royal Scenic in Toronto is excellent. Your staff is a pleasure to deal with. Your staffs are very good and knowledgeable. Thanks for pushing me to deal with Royal Scenic.”

Sudesh Sandrasagra

Garth Allen Marksted Travel